Technological Greenhouse

Our Facilities

Equipped with high-level automation and geothermal technological heating systems, Agrotermal facilities start a new era in agriculture.

Productive Agriculture on Unproductive Lands

With the soilless agriculture methods used in Agrotermal’s geothermal heated technological greenhouses, inefficient lands are transformed into productive greenhouses.

Geothermal heated technological greenhouses established on an area of 100,000 m² in Konya/Tuzlukçu ensure the protection of fertile soils by building them on infertile lands.

In Technological Greenhouses

Hydroponic Farming & Natural Production

Our geothermal heating systems ensure that ideal temperature and humidity conditions can be achieved in our greenhouses in all seasons. Thus enabling continuous and efficient production throughout the year.

In Agrotermal greenhouses, geothermal energy is utilised in the most efficient way. Sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural activities are carried out with the heat coming from nature.

We adopt the solutions of modern science for a livable world in the future. We make chemical-free and hormone-free production.

Our Geothermal Heated Technological Greenhouses

The most suitable places for the establishment of soilless technological greenhouses are infertile soils. In this way, natural resources are conserved and productive agriculture can be sustained in infertile areas.