PDPL Clarification Text

As Agro Termal (Yediyol Turizm A.Ş. Tuzlukçu Branch), in accordance with the importance we attach to the privacy and security of your personal data, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and other relevant legislation, Agro Termal in its capacity as Data Controller, shall process your personal data by using, recording, storing, updating, transferring and/or classifying them within the framework described below, depending on the purposes of the business.


In this context, all technical and administrative measures are taken by our Company in order to ensure the appropriate level of security with the aim of preventing unlawful processing of your personal data, preventing unlawful access and processing and ensuring the protection of your personal data in accordance with the Laws and Regulations regulated for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and the protection of personal data.


The companies affiliated with the Holding may collect your personal data through/via our website www.agrotermal.com and www.yediyol.com.tr our Head Office in KADIKÖY/ISTANBUL, the job application area on the website, cookies, web analysis tools and similar technologies, security cameras if you visit one of the head office locations, visitor entrance records, automatic and non-automatic written, verbal and digital methods.


Identity Details: Name-Surname, Place and Date of Birth, Nationality, Turkish Identity Number, (Passport Number in case of Foreign Nationals)

Contact Information: Address, Telephone Number, E-Mail Address

Financial Data: Bank Account Information, (Account No, Credit Card No, IBAN No)

Visual and Auditory Data: Photographs, Video and Audio Recordings

Sensitive Data: Health Status and Drug Use Information, Smoking Information, Allergen Status Information

Transaction Security Data: Logs related to the monitoring and recording of KVKK Explicit Consent Approval Transactions, information showing the unique network device number (MAC Address) of computers using IP addresses in case of connecting to the Internet during your visit to our company, target IP address, both IP and port information allocated to the user in the Internet access service provided by the method of sharing one or more IP addresses with users through ports, URL address information recorded by the content filtering system in order to take measures in order to prevent access to content that constitutes an offense, user names of the systems, device names, electronic mail logs, pin and password information, website login and exit information, traffic data, log records

Legal Transaction Data: Signatory Circular, Declaration of Signature, Power of Attorney.

Professional Experience Data: Training Participation Forms, Training Examination Results, Personality Inventory Tests, Certificates, and Diplomas.


  • Based on the legal reason that it is clearly stipulated by law and is mandatory for the Data Controller to fulfill its legal responsibility;
    • Fulfillment of the requirements of the governmental authorities,
    • Providing information resulting from the legislation for competent authorities,
    • Ensuring compliance with the storage obligations stipulated in the legislation,
    • Responding to the applications of the concerned persons in accordance with the legislation and carrying out the necessary procedures,
    • Execution of Communication Activities,
  • Registering a membership on the website,
  • Social Media Management,
  • Meetings, Organization and Event Organizing
  • Interviews and Press Releases
  • Sharing reports, market research, information, bulletins, publications,
  • Organizing celebrations for important days
  • Opening Costumer Current Card
  • Issuance Letter of Guarantee
  • Management of Payments
  • Invoicing Transactions
  • Follow-up of Requests/Complaints
  • Management of Customer Requests and Complaints
  • Management of Contract Processes
  • Signing and Follow-up of the Contract Execution of Finance and Accounting Transactions
  • Management of Notifications Received via info@yediyol.com.tr
  • Execution of Business Continuity Ensuring Activities
  • Professional Experience Data
  • Training Participation Forms, Training Examination Results, Personality Inventory Tests
  • Evaluation Center Application Reports, Information on Areas of Development and Strengths
  • Audio and Visual Recordings
  • Records
  • Photograph of the Person, photographs, video and audio recordings
  • taken in case of participation in the training, launch and events organized
  • All kinds of Internal Survey Response Data, Including Other Opinions and Suggestions
  • Backup of User Computers and Company Mail and Server Backups
  • Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes
  • Informing Customers Through E-Mail And Telephone
  • Conducting Activities Aimed at Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey Program
  • Carrying out analyses, surveys and reporting studies for the purposes of
  • improving and developing business processes,
  • Execution of Storage and Archiving Activities
  • Preservation and Archiving of Contracts
  • Incoming and Outgoing Document Registration Process
  • Execution of Social Responsibility and Civil Society Activities
  • Provision of information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations.
  • Fulfillment of the requirements of governmental authorities and organizations and implementation of the decisions communicated to Yediyol Holding,
  • Management of independent audit, review and reporting processes,



Planning and executing the Company’s human resources policies and processes Execution of basic processes related to recruitment of the personnel
Execution of the necessary work by our relevant departments for the realization of the commercial activities carried out by the Company and execution of the related business processes Event Management
Planning and executing corporate communication activities
Building and managing the sub-structure of information technologies
Following up the finance and/or accounting works
Planning and executing corporate sustainability activities
Planning and execution of corporate governance activities
Planning, auditing and execution of information security processes
Planning and execution of the Company’s commercial and/or business strategies Management of relationships with business partners and/or suppliers
Execution of strategic planning activities
Planning Group Human Resources Policies and Processes Management of requests and complaints of employees
Planning of analyses and improvement activities related to wage management in Group companies
Planning and supporting the processes of providing fringe rights and benefits to the Group Employees
Supporting the wage management planning activities of the Group Employees
Planning and supporting the processes related to the training and career development of Group Employees
Planning and managing all steps to improve the satisfaction and loyalty of the Group’s Employees
Planning and/or execution of intern and/or student recruitment, placement and operation periods
Supporting Group Companies in terms of Strategic Human Resources Planning, Succession Processes and Organisational Development Activities Supporting the development and succession planning activities of Group Companies
Supporting the management of the processes of appointment and promotion of personnel and managers within the Group Companies
Protection of the Trust aroused by the Reputation of the Yediyol Group on Commercial Life and Consumers Realization of activities aimed at protecting the reputation of the Group and the values of the Group
Following up on the requests and/or complaints of the Group’s customers
Planning and/or execution of corporate social responsibility and/or non-governmental organizations activities
Planning and execution of processes for Group and stakeholder employees and their loyalty and satisfaction
Planning and Execution of Audit Activities of Yediyol Holding Inc. and Group Companies Supporting the misconduct, denunciation and investigation processes in Group Companies.
Planning and execution of audit activities in order to ensure that the activities of the Group Companies are carried out in line with the Group Procedures and the relevant legislation
Ensuring legal, technical and commercial business security of the Company and the concerned persons, who participate in business relations with the Company Following up on judicial proceedings
Creation and follow-up of visitor records

Planning and Execution of Operational Activities

Required to Ensure that Company Activities

are Carried Out in Line with Company Procedures and/or

Relevant Legislation

Ensuring the Security of

Company Fixtures and/or Resources

Ensuring the Security of Company Operations


Realization of transactions related to Corporate and

Partnership Law

Supporting the Processes of Realization of

Corporate and Partnership Law Transactions of Group Companies

Ensuring that the data is accurate and up-to-date


Planning and Execution of Company Audit


Providing Legislative Information to Competent


Ensuring the Security of Company Campuses and/or


Visitor Real persons, who have entered physical settlements belonging to Yediyol Holding due to various reasons, and real persons, who have visited our website
Employee Candidate Real persons, who have applied for a job in any way to Yediyol Holding, or who have enabled their CVs and relevant information to be monitored by Yediyol Holding
Group Employee Employees of Yediyol Group Companies whose personal data are processed within the framework of activities carried out by Yediyol Holding such as efficiency, employee satisfaction, human resources, audit, ensuring information technology security and infrastructure, legal compliance and similar activities
Supplier of Yediyol Holding Real persons who are employees, officials or shareholders of Yediyol Holding who provide services to Yediyol Holding on a contractual basis in line with Yediyol Holding’s orders and instructions while carrying out Yediyol Holding’s commercial activities.
Company Shareholder Real persons who are shareholders of Yediyol Holding
Company Official Members of the Board of Directors of Yediyol Holding and other authorized real persons
Members of the Board of Directors of Yediyol Holding and other authorised real persons Real Persons, including, but not limited to, employees, shareholders and officials of organisations with which Yediyol Holding has any kind of business relationship (such as business partners, suppliers, etc.)



According to exceptions in the law within the scope of sub-paragraphs (c), (ç), (d) and (f) of Paragraph No 2 of Article No 5 of Law No 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and Paragraph No 8 of Article No 8, “the establishment or execution of the contract has been made public by the relevant person himself/herself” and limited to the reasons that require the personal data to be transferred within the scope of the relevant legal regulations; your personal data is shared with supervisory and regulatory public institutions and organizations, professional organizations and persons or organizations permitted by the provisions of the relevant legislation, companies whose services we benefit from and cooperate with.


We would like to remind you that you have the following rights as per Article No 11 of KVKK:

  • To learn whether personal data is processed or not and request information regarding this matter,
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether personal data is used for the right purposes,
  • To know third parties, to whom personal data are transferred both within and outside borders of the Country,
  • To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing; and, to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties, to whom personal data are transferred,
  • To request deletion or termination of personal data in case reasons for processing personal data are not valid anymore although personal data are already processed in accord with KVKK and in accord with the provisions of other laws; and, to request information of third parties, to whom personal data are transferred, about this transaction,
  • To object results conflicting the interests of the person in case processed data are analyzed exclusively through automatic systems,
  • To request compensation for his/her damages in case he/she suffers due to incorrect processing of personal data.


You may submit your requests regarding your above-mentioned rights within the scope of the KVKK to our Holding in writing and in accordance with the current regulations of the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) Authority, provided that your identity is verified. You can submit your applications to our holding company by filling out the “KVKK Application Form” on our websites, by hand or by mail or via your e-mail address previously registered with our holding company to kvkk@agrotermal.com or bozyaziturizm@hs06.kep.tr with a secure electronic signature. For detailed information, you can review the relevant form.

Your applications shall be responded to within 30 days. In order to ensure a healthy response to your applications, according to the legislation, your application must contain your Name, Surname, Turkish ID Number (in the case of foreigners, Nationality and Passport Number), the address (where we can send our response) and documents evidencing your identity. You must indicate your ID Details in an understandable manner via e-mail, the subject matter of your request must be related to you personally or (if you are acting on behalf of someone else) you must be specifically authorized in this regard and you must document your authorization.

Consent to receive commercial electronic messages can be revoked at any time. You can send your requests for withdrawal of previously given consents regarding the receipt of commercial electronic messages and your communication preferences to our Head Office through the methods specified in the relevant contact information or via kvkk@agrotermal.com or you can send them via the Commercial Message Management System (IYS) platform as per the relevant legislation.


Mersis No: 0186012631800017

Trade Title: YEDIYOL TURIZM Inc.


Telephone Number: 444 7 410

Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) Address:bozyaziturizm@hs06.kep.tr